The importance of speaking in tongues


You don’t need to “cry out to God to baptize you in his love”, you simply need to realize who is inside of you. The Bible says “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us” (Romans 5:5).
One way to see activated the promises of God and to learn to live out redemptive realities is by spending a lot of time speaking in tongues. Sadly, this is one of the gifts of the Spirit that has taken a back seat in many of the churches, because it was pushed back there and most Christians rarely speak and pray in tongues. I know it’s a bold statement to say that, but the reality is, that they think it’s one of the “lower gifts”. In my personal life, beginning to flow in revelation gifts had so much to do with speaking and praying in tongues. Oftentimes I go on prayer walks and just speak in tongues.
You need to use your prayer language a lot - every day. If you say “I am baptized in the Holy Spirit but I don’t speak in tongues” - first of all - please show me where this is in the Bible and second, let me tell you that the only thing that can keep you from being filled with the Holy Spirit is some false teaching that is blocking you or unbelief. Literally every single person was instantly baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues over the last couple weeks as I explained that to them.
#revelation #thankGodforHisgifts